Dreams - An article written on Request!
What is a Dream?
To everyone, who has been living in this contemporary world, there is a lot that they are going through! Everyone's ultimate level of serenity is Sleep. At the End of the Day, whatever we might do, we end up needing rest for our body and brain. Hence, we need Sleep. Here is where the part gets really interesting. When, we slip into the deepest moment of sleep, there are vivid imaginations that jostle us into a figmental world. Umpteen illustrations of the queer acuity are explained in a science of apprehending them, which is vehement-ed as "Oneirology".
During the Rapid moment of Eyes during sleep, which is a seriatim among the routine junctures, we tend to envisage intense flunked penchants which pervades our brain. These are Dreams, which are also interpretations of our darkest deep desires and are often referred to as one's thoughts which have been bothering them since ages. What is strange is that ninety percentage of the people only remember what they remember when they are partially awake during the Rapid Eye Moment (REM) stage. And also, what makes them interesting is that, we see only the people we know, in them.
A case study from Alaska state university, states that, most of the people tend to dream about the surroundings which influenced them, either negatively or positively. It is because, they must have made stronger impact on them, making them to fear or like the memories. This makes them feel so. Also, the people who caught their attention are often interpreted in the dreams.
déjà vu
A beautifully interesting phenomenon which can be linked with partially awake dreams is déjà vu.
It is a phenomenon, in which, we feel that we are re-living the moment as we have seen it somewhere, either in our imagination, or that must be a peculiar time-loop. Let me relate this to the Dreams phenomenon clearly, to make you all clear about it.
déjà vu and Dreams
If we are awake during the REM phase and remember a strongest moment, and we imagine people to be with us in the moment and surroundings as we imagined, if coincidentally, we tend to be in the same place of imagination, with the people imagined, we feel like re-living the moment again. And believe me, you will end up mentioning to the one in that moment - "I've seen this moment previously!"

Peculiar questions on Dreams
Certain questions like "Do dreams come in color or Black and White?" may seem silly, but they are reasonably related to a person's age and state of mind. If you remember the dreams that you had, you only remember the incidents occurred in them. That is because, they either make you happy or sad or they influence your present situation, putting you in a moment of chaos making you either to wake up or go into deeper sleep. A study of recent times, made clear that the old aged people had black and white dreams and the middle aged in technicolor and the young in color. Also as per the state of minds are concerned, each color has it's own significance, indicating anger, pain, happy e.t.c., for example, red represents anger along with lack of energy.
Sleep Falls
There are most reported cases like dreaming about falling from a greater heights. This is one among the scenarios of REM and Wakening stage of Sleep. During the REM, our brain activity is fully engaged. When the body needs rest, the eye moment stops and the heartbeat rate slows down, suddenly the respiration rate also slows down. But the motor nerves of the Brain, indicates that the body requires high level of oxygen, and to make the dreamer realize and make him breathe heavily, the body gives us a jerk, enabling us to realize that we are not dead and that we are just falling from a larger height in the dream and we inhale heavily regularizing the body. It is also an indication of our control on our life.
Sleep Paralysis
The other case reported often is Sleep Paralysis. Most of the people, feel a heavy load of weight during the moment of sleep, unable to move their limbs and often report a black structure blocking their view to look front. This is a mixed hallucination. During rapid eye movement (REM) sleep the brain has vivid dreams, while the muscles of the body are essentially turned off. While sleeping, the muscles are unable to move so that the person won't be able to act out dreams with their body. Sleep paralysis happens when a person wakes up before REM is finished. The black object that he feels is a hallucinated fear in him, which he feels is a Ghost.
Things appearing in Dreams and their Meaning
Different aspects of visions in dreaming represents an individual perceptions of his/her own life. For example, from the case studies involved in Alaska, Nigeria and India, here are the findings and their meanings:1. Being chased - Anxiety and it also indicates that some aspect in our life needs attention.
2. Water - Emotions of our unconscious minds with the quality of water in the dreams represents our management of emotions.
3. Vehicles - Direction of our life and also envisages the obstacles we need to overcome.
4. People - Represents the characters that needs to be developed from the ones in the dreams. (Example: Lover in a dream represents lack of love or being detached).
5. School/ Classroom - Represents a lesson yet to be learnt from the past.
6. Paralysis - Lack of control on life.
7. Death - End of something, beginning of something else. (Dramatic change of mood of dreamer)
8. Flying - Confident in clear goals of life (The lower you go the less self esteem it represents)
9. Falling - Slow falling represents calmness and art of letting go, rapid falls from greater heights represents that some situation in our life is seriously out of control.
10. Nudity - Psychological/Emotional exposure of the dreamer (Nudity of a part represents which area of understanding needs precaution)
11. Baby - Represents start of something new! (Any new idea of life)
12. Food - Symbolizes hunger to learn something new and fresh.
13. House - Dreamer's mind with different rooms indicating different aspects of life with various degrees of consciousness (Ex:Basement means neglected)
14. Sex - Intimate connection of one's self with her/his dearest.
Apart from the above case studies, the one who truly feels them, will have a whole new level of explanation of their own emotions. This is just a common notion of understanding and letting others understand the aspects of dreaming.
Thanks a lot Yamini Reddy Bandi for asking me to write about Dreams, which made me go through a lot of R&D on the internet and also met a few people in real life understanding about their dreams and learning a lot from their experiences.
This article was requested by Yamini Reddy Bandi.
Never fear for your dreams - Instead wake up and work what made you weak!
Show the world you are not weak!
You are your own Strength!
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With Love,
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