Dream, Love and Destiny by M
Part One: The Dream and the Dreamer
There was a character that lived far from a village named Reality, and it was always blamed for being so unrealistic. It knew that there was something very special about itself and hence it started living it's own life until it found someone called as the Dreamer. It fell so hard for him that it always had something interesting every time he thought of it. But one day, he started worrying so much about reality he met a severe accident and went to Coma. From then, the Dream always started thinking about the Dreamer. But he never came back and the dream went gloomy.
Part Two: Love and the Lover
Very near to reality there lived a free living soul, whose charm attracted many people who were called as Singles. From the moment it gets involved in a scene, the people around it will, feel a special feeling of pull from the heart from inside. People will feel the World around them beautiful, charming and time passes away like seconds when they live in Days and Months. This had a strange encounter with a path breaking incident which changed the life of two strangers who were then turned to the deepest lovers whose fate gave them a special beginning and they are called Made for Each other, once you got to know about the couple. So, what is their story? Well, it's something interesting which, when, narrated by someone who knows everything about everyone once they open their eyes!
Part Three: Destiny
"I know what you people must be thinking. Yes, I know it because, I am Destiny. And yes, I know you are pleased to meet me too. Well, this introduction seems all a little clumsy. Nobody knows their own existence, until they find out one and assign themselves. But believe me, most of the times people are wrong. You think that you are destined to do this and that but well, face palm to that. Because, I know what you are good at believe me, you're all very low self-esteemed. I said so because, you never trust your judgement and start finding something that doesn't belong to you and become a fool out of yourself and then become a slave to the one thing that you don't like at all!
That's your Life. Phew! Well, let's put philosophies a side, I know you people must be thinking about me as some chatter box who keeps chatting, but for now! Well let's skip to the main Conversation which you'll love the most...!
How do I know that You'll all Love what am gonna say?
Well to that! I am the Destiny! So, let me get straight to it!
I am here to talk about a story that you people have never ever experienced at all in your life!
It's about Love!
Hey! I was speaking about the strange experience that I am going to narrate, not about Love itself!
So, take it easy and read as I speak!
Have you ever fell in Love in a Hospital?
All the sterile smell with blue clothed people and people with instruments in their neck with white coats! Well, I am going to speak about a story which involves these people!
So, here it goes. There was a girl named Hope! It always had a very great future ahead of it because, C'mon it is hope! It always has optimism all the way. The girl fell in love, with a great mind and handsomeness of charm on his face. He was, called Luck!
So, let me get points right with a statement by mentioning everything again.
Hope fell in Love with Luck who was in a Hospital, going through bad luck, treated by a Doctor called Life!
Sorry, I thought I told you about Life already. Well! I didn't. Life was a doctor working in a Hospital named Humanity which always restored Humanity among the city this hospital resided in called as Goodness!
Okay! So, this hope is a girl who is working as a nurse in this Life's hospital, which resided in a city called Goodness and Luck was the patient. So, Luck came almost half dead having had a bad luck as a tough phase going through his life. Hope like I always said, had a greater hope for all the patients who came into this Goodness. But Luck, was someone very special to her. Because, he would respond lately to the treatment as his body is half dead and mind is in Coma. Hope served him and tried to make him a better man, day-by-day! But, one fine day Luck woke up with clean memory, due to something called as Post Traumatic Amnesia - A Boon always treated as a Curse. None understood the beauty of it. I along with my Best friend God, to whom I help narrating and writing stories about people, always spoke of this memory cleanliness. Because, a very rare heart takes it as a positive note, ask me why!?
It is re-living the past memories again with the same people knowing how u were!
It is just like You... Understanding You! What a lovely feeling it is!
Well! So, this is getting seriously diverted. Lemme finish it quickly, I must be making you bored.
Well, Hope never gave up and reminded Luck who woke up with a clean memory and tried making him a better man. So, one day Luck started feeling something called a Gravity of Pull from his heart towards the other who exists beside him. It is a beautiful emotion, which always attracts people around it. Yes, before they could realize it, the character Love! pulled them closer and they finally fell in Love!
But there is a sad ending to this story! C'mon why would I make a sad ending. I was just kidding. This Luck guy, always had a great companion, in his life, consider it a life partner. Well, not so perfectly but almost a certain case of it. It was..... well, you could've guessed by now...! It was the Dream!
This guy was the Dreamer! So, I was awestruck while thinking about the way I collaborated all these incidents and characters as One Story!
What made Luck, go through a bad phase of luck who never had a taste of this free living soul called Love?
It was something called Destiny!
Now this must have made a lot of sense to all you guys!
Let me finish this fantastic story with a final line and I'll leave all the conclusions to you!
Well... Here it goes....
Luck was a guy who was a dreamer. To make Luck realize what Life is! And how would the taste of Love be, I destined something called Hope to meet him one day to understand that there is something called Goodness in this World.
Well You can ask me Why I created Dream?
Well! Dream always had larger fascinations of living, farther from reality. So to make it realize the value of the Dreamer I gave it a pinch of twist called as Implementation, whom I will talk next time when we meet again!
With Love,
Name of each character itself creates a story... Classy choice of words.. Beautifully narrated story about dream love n destiny.. Good work
ReplyDeleteWhoa !!
ReplyDeleteIncredible narration.